The year.

David Callaghan
2 min readDec 30, 2018

Did 2018 happen? Or did we all blink too fast and just get fat from Christmas?

One of my favourite things to ponder on is time. Or lack of as the case seems to be. It’s definitely true what they say: time does seem to speed up as you get older.

This may be the case, but still, where the hell has this year gone, man?! It only feels like last week I was singing “It’s coming home” and lobbing beers on a vast amount of unassuming people. Or having a jolly on one of my many stag do’s, coming to the realisation that Benidorm will always be the only place for me. I think I left part of me there to be honest, as well as a good bit of my self-respect and dignity.

But it is actually scary how quick the year has gone, and a bit unnerving to know how quick the next year will fly. It’s good to know I haven’t got much on next year though and can live my life in peace. Just the small matter of three stag do’s, turning 30, ten years with the Mrs, and attending three weddings. Oh yeah, with one of them being mine.

Just to add to the planner, the additional events of potentially having two honeymoons (cause we’re ballers and living the YOLO motto to the fullest, even though it just hurt my soul to even type YOLO).

What a year it’s gonna be. One I’m very much excited for. But the fact I’m turning 30 is a bit of a concern and issue I don’t particularly want to comprehend or address. Men children like me don’t turn 30. We’re not meant to. I’m Peter Pan, I’m meant to buy trainers, have the diet of a 12-year-old boy and laugh at people falling over for the rest of my life.

But no, apparently I’ve decided to succumb the Mrs to a lifetime of Black Country tones and Hip Hop history lessons for the rest of her life. It’s fair to say from this that I do in fact believe I’m a catch. Blessup Kel.

I’m looking to embrace it all with a smile on my face. I’m never gonna have a year like this again, am I? I wanna enjoy everything, everyone and make the most of what the next year throws at me. Just hopefully not a dwarf, or any other kind of small person.

There’s always a lot going, and I seem to think that’s gonna change and slow down soon, but that doesn’t appear to be the case. If anything time will just get faster and I’ll be sitting here writing about my 40th soon enough. The speed at which my twenties have gone by only fills me with an outrageous need to make the most of my impending thirties. And I’m sure I will, with my nearly-wife, future dog called Biggie Paws and 90’s Hip Hop to teach the kidlings with.

Happy New Year my hittaz.



David Callaghan

Hip Hop ‘till I drop. All things music, lifestyle, fashion. From a Black Country angle.